Summary of what has been done so far...

Monday, August 13, 2007

Concept 06

Last of this series, I tried to incorporate some spacy effects here...

Concept 6

Concept 05

I got busy this week end!

A classic blues here, with the usual pentatonics...
I tried some Whammy effects at the end, I'm quite pleased with the effect.

Concept 5

Concept 04

Same drill.

Concept 4

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Concept 03

Same drill as before.
1 live take.

Concept 3

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Concept 02

Following my little play with effects (in Tribute to Tom), I'm now starting to play with loops.

So here's how I made this: I hit "record" on my 4 track, I play a riff, loop it then do some more stuff on top of it (full impro).
It's a live take. It's therefore very "rough".

For a 1st, I just went for a really simple sample.
Again, a lot of fun!

Concept 02

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

New kit!

It was my birthday recently so I got a new piece of kit for my guitar! :)

So now my effect chains has gained an Akai Headrush E2, which is a digital delay unit coupled with a looper...
I feel a lot fun is to be made of such thing...