Summary of what has been done so far...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Compo 02

My 2nd "full length" composition...
I wanted to release it before Christmas, so I had to rush it a bit in the end. As a result and even by my standards, I feel it's not as polished as it should.

I guess the main problem is that the main riff is slides only and I have old strings. I might change them in the new year and see how it goes...

Anyway I wanted to do something a bit smoother than my previous one, a bit more flowing. And at some point I thought it would be good to do a solo on a sort of bridge, something completely different from the main verse/chorus. So I came up with the sort of reggae middle bit. I'm not quite sure how it fits with the rest but I liked it, so I thought I might as well try.

So there you go.

Compo 02.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Concept 13.

I'm still around...
As usual when autumn comes, I get a bit lazy. A sort of "why do I bother?" thing. It always passes. Also I'm trying to work on personnal stuff now, so I get to practice a bit more without recording.

And then when I tried to get back to work my bass inflicted a nasty blister on my index finger... Poor me... ;)

Anyway that made me listen to old shit I had recorded and surprisingly 1 thing I recorded around november caught my ear. Well nothing special really, just a bloated piece of solo looking for that 5s moment of grace that never really comes...

But I'm quite happy with the base riff and I tried to be a bit faster that before and the atmosphere is not too bad... All that for an impro... :)

Concept 13

Saturday, September 13, 2008

La Maison.

Another song by Miossec.

This one is quite special for me because as far as love songs are involved (as in "songs about love"), this one is pretty muh the "ultimate" one. It says it all.
Love is a battle.

On a technical side, it got me to use more tracks than usual. Not really complicated (I managed to finish it in a week), but it's a nice combination of simple things.
I especially like the bass line. Simple yet great.

La Maison (Miossec)

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

No no no.

Just a quickie before the summer holidays...

Another from Noir Desir, I especially like their live version on their album Dies Irae. I wanted to try and reproduce this sort of raw rock (and it gives me an excuse for not polishing it). I had fun. And I got a blister on my middle finger now... (^_^;

No no no (Noir Desir)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

1st original "song"!!!

This happened completely by chance...

I was actually trying to put together another cover, but I thought I could try to adapt it a bit more than usual. So I started searching for some riffs, found a few that seemed to chain well, worked a bit more, then took a step back and thought "this doesn;t fit with the song at all!!". But I was still quite pleased with it so I took it all the way...

No lyrics, I would need an Average Zack I guesss... Anyone? :)

Compo 01!!!

Monday, June 02, 2008

My Lovely Man.

I've worked on this for longer than I've ever done on any other song...
But I had a ball...
It's still a bit of work in progress, it would deserve a bit of polish but I was so excited to get to something close to average, I couldn't resist...

My Lovely Man (the Red Hot Chili Peppers)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Concept 12

I tend to have troubles when it comes to recording ideas, because I will jam along some stuff and do those things I find quite cool, definitely worth recording, but as soon I hit the record button, it's all gone. I think I'm not alone in that case though.

Here I got that idea and I managed not to let it rot, that is I hit the button straightaway. And I'm quite happy of how it turned out, it's the first time I come up with something that I think could be refined to give something a bit more elaborate than my usual...
Worth recording!

Concept 12

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sad Sad Kiddie (bis)

I don't know what happened to me today I actually sang the song, so there you go...

Sad sad kiddy

Sad Sad Kiddie

It has been hard to get round to do something constructive lately...

But I finally managed to find the courage to build a drum part again!
I'm carrying on covering the Pillows because they got great rocking songs.
Once more I did my thing and realised when it was time to sing that I couldn't... So karaoke version it is then...
If anyone is kind enough to do it for me...

Sad sad kiddie (karaoke)

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Concept 11

I promise that one day I will try to make chords progressions based on more than 4 chords... (^_^;
Anyway this one felt a bit different than the others. Now I listen to it again, it reminds me of something from Noir Desir, but I can't really put my finger on it. Weird.
I tried to do a more elaborate ending this time. By that I mean that I took over from my usual loop to do something different.
Taking into account that I did whatever came to mind at the time, I didn't do too bad...

Concept 11

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Actual music...

From Andy McKee again...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Concept 10

Another riff I wanted to keep track of...

I started jamming along this one and I was actually doing things I was quite happy with, so I thought "let's record this, it would be a shame not to keep it". So I hit the record button and found myself incapable of reproducing what I had done. Often happens. I might have written it before. Anyway it took me a while before finally letting go and recording something I was a bit happy with.

A bit of the same old, but it keeps the finger working...

Concept 10

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Concept 9

It had been some time since I came up with something that I wanted to develop...
So there it is, the result of an hour of trying this & that.
There's a gaping midsection where I obviously wasn't sure of what to play but also a few things I want to remember for later...
Worth a post, then.

Concept 9