Summary of what has been done so far...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Not from me...

The theremin is a very interesting instrument...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Some more fooling around...

2 other examples of a riff looped and whatever comes to mind on the moment.
Live takes.

It's strange because I listened to them yesterday while I had recorded them last week or so, I therefore couldn't remember what I had done and was expecting a lot of rubbish but I was therefore surprised that it's "listenable".

Far from perfect but overall not too bad.

I wasn't very inspired in terms of solo for the 1st one, but it's energetic.
Concept 7

The 2nd one is heavier. Full of noises.
Concept 8

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Just goofing around...

I made this:

Quite easy to do really.
Get a sampler, have it to run and then pinch harmonics as you see fit, adding one each time.
It gives a strange random music.
No rocket science, certainly vain, but I like it... :)

Harmonics 1

Harmonics 2

I guess I could sell this as some healing new age shit...
I can just guaranty there are no secret messages hidden in there! ;)

Friday, December 07, 2007


Here's a quickie.

I just wanted to record something else fast.
This is my 3rd cover from Miossec, a song I've been playing for years.

I liked the fact that it's a build up.
It kind of works.
I didn't polish the voice at all, it even saturates at the beginning, but I couldn't be asked to do it again... ;)

Gilles (Miossec)

Friday, November 30, 2007


Wow nearly 4 months since I last recorded something!
I was just happy practising unplugged to be honest.

Anyway I listened to a records I hadn't put in my player for ages. That was a Louise Attaque record. It's a French rock/folk group that has very energetic songs and that gave me ideas to record again.
Also, it was a challenge because their lead instrument is a violin, so I had to replace/emulate it with my guitar.

Overall, I think that's one of my better songs...
I'm quite happy with the sounds I made, I managed to put in a broad range of stuff (tremolo, delay, wah) and to put the icing on the cake, each take I made is a live one!
I didn't correct anything afterwards, this is the raw stuff, so a few mistakes here and there but nothing too major...

L'Imposture (Louise Attaque)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Concept 06

Last of this series, I tried to incorporate some spacy effects here...

Concept 6

Concept 05

I got busy this week end!

A classic blues here, with the usual pentatonics...
I tried some Whammy effects at the end, I'm quite pleased with the effect.

Concept 5

Concept 04

Same drill.

Concept 4

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Concept 03

Same drill as before.
1 live take.

Concept 3

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Concept 02

Following my little play with effects (in Tribute to Tom), I'm now starting to play with loops.

So here's how I made this: I hit "record" on my 4 track, I play a riff, loop it then do some more stuff on top of it (full impro).
It's a live take. It's therefore very "rough".

For a 1st, I just went for a really simple sample.
Again, a lot of fun!

Concept 02

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

New kit!

It was my birthday recently so I got a new piece of kit for my guitar! :)

So now my effect chains has gained an Akai Headrush E2, which is a digital delay unit coupled with a looper...
I feel a lot fun is to be made of such thing...

Friday, July 13, 2007

Brick Is Red

Another cover from the Pixies.

I think this song (the original at least) is great because it's simple, yet very efficient and fun, with it's kind of "stop and go" structure.
Also, although it's not an instrumental, it's almost one!

So (again) I didn't bother with voice...
Otherwise, I think I got on OK...
I had fun at least!

Brick Is Red

Monday, June 11, 2007

Killing In The Name.

Again a cult piece.
I came close to do this one quite early on, but at some point I lost my work due to a mistake on my part... I was heart broken...
But now I finally managed to redo it, and better (a year on, I'm way better than then...)!

As usual nothing's perfect it's a bit flat, but I'm quite happy with the solo...
I couldn't get round to layout the vocals. I might do that someday.

Killing In The Name

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Andy McKee again...

I know this is cheating, but that's too good not to be shared...

It starts slow but man what an ending...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Power Of Gospel

I have to admit I have been away from my recorder lately. Back on just messing around with the guitar and doing scales. Can't hurt.
Anyway here's something I started mid December(!!). It's a cover of a great song from Ben Harper. I did it as a simple instrumental.
It's all 1 full take, no messing around and correcting mistakes (there are a few here just to testify of that fact).

I actually finished the main track quite quickly (I've been playing it for years and years), but I wanted to add something "clever" to it and that took me some time.

Anyway here's the plain & simple version: The Power Of The Gospel

And here's the "clever" one: The Power Of The Gospel
(Note for myself: next time think about tuning the guitar... ^^; )

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Not me again...

I'm not too productive on the music side lately, so I'm just keeping this alive by posting other's work... It's easier!! ;)
They're better as well, so...
Maybe I should stop stuff I'll never top up. Then again since I'm not going to top it anyway, why be ashamed?

And this is too great not to be shared.
I mean wow.
It's a great tune and technically it's awesome.

Drifting - Andy Mckee's Original Song

Follow the links from this video, the guy has a whole bunch of songs around and they're all as good!!!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

That's not from me...

I've decided to stop playing guitar since I've seen this:

Just kidding if I had to stop playing each time I see someone better than me, I wouldn't have started, but man, isn't he good? (^_^;