Summary of what has been done so far...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Compo 3!

Wow it has been some time...
I wasn't off the guitar really, but I just went through a phase in which I just couldn't be asked to turn on the recorder and actually build anything. Just jamming to myself.

This is an attempt to jump back on the saddle.
I just took the 1st riff that came through my mind and built around it and I wanted to finish it quick. So maybe even less polish than previously.
It's far from perfect as usual, feels pieced together because it has been, but I think I've done worse.
After my final take for the solo, I realised my 1st and 2nd strings were quite badly out of tune (that was my 1st take for that session...), but I thought it was actually one of my best takes, so I just couldn't find the energy to redo it. Considering, it turned out OK... (^_^;

Compo 3

Saturday, June 13, 2009

La rose, la bouteille & la poignee de main (temp)

I released this sometime ago as a temp track (it still is one actually) but I've been "off the record" for a while, so I thought I'd just tidy this up, until I finally gather the courage to finish it.

So it's a cover of a song by Georges Brassens, not one of his most famous, but it had something I thought I could change. The opening lick does sound like a riff so I tried to capitalise on that and try to apply this kind of RATM feel I have taken as a main influence.

As usual, it's not perfect and it's obviously missing a lead guitar track. But as it's stand, raw, I thought it still holds its ground as one of my best attempts. It's without a doubt the farthest I've gone in terms of changing the original song. It was easy though as in this case the original is entirely accoustic...
Anyway what's left to do is to find a cool leading part (I would aim at something quite light as the rythm part is very ...) and a cool solo at the end.

In the meantime, here it is:

La rose, la bouteille et la poignee de main

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Compo 2 reloaded.

I gave some much needed TLC to my 2nd composition.
I owed it at least that...

Still far from perfect but at least the solo is fairly clean...

Compo 02a.