Summary of what has been done so far...

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Concept 13.

I'm still around...
As usual when autumn comes, I get a bit lazy. A sort of "why do I bother?" thing. It always passes. Also I'm trying to work on personnal stuff now, so I get to practice a bit more without recording.

And then when I tried to get back to work my bass inflicted a nasty blister on my index finger... Poor me... ;)

Anyway that made me listen to old shit I had recorded and surprisingly 1 thing I recorded around november caught my ear. Well nothing special really, just a bloated piece of solo looking for that 5s moment of grace that never really comes...

But I'm quite happy with the base riff and I tried to be a bit faster that before and the atmosphere is not too bad... All that for an impro... :)

Concept 13

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